Thursday 19 March 2015

Evalutation Question 6- What have We Learned Through The Filming Process

Throughout our filming process we learned various things, including how to annotate a YouTube video, which we used to communicate our different intentions regarding our decisions in our sequence.

Sunday 1 March 2015

Evaluation Question 5

Question 5: How Did You Attract and Address Audiences?

Pleasures our audience can take from our opening sequence
As the actress is young our target audience can relate/empathize with her.
Boys are attracted to her.
Girls familiarize with her .
Our film would fit into the sub-genre of psychological thriller, yet our opening sequence would be considered a thriller.
Films we feel influenced us: Kill Bill Vol. 2, The Call, 127 Hours
Such a small space confines the audience, makes them claustrophobic.
Also it isolates them with just the protagonist, provoking sympathy.

We would use many cliffhangers and make the audience question the alibis and motives of the killer. We never see the killer, therefore making the audience question.
The actual film would focus on the killer and the search for him, instead of the girl's escape from the coffin.

We are only subjected to only one character in our opening sequence, therefore creating a stronger, more intimate relationship with the audience.
We would want our male audience to feel sympathy for the protagonist, as they have been victimized by this killer, whereas we would want our female audience to feel empathy towards the young girl, as she has been victimized as a young girl, and perhaps our female audience would have encountered similar problems within their life.

Social Groups
Originally adheres to the stereotype that women are easily victimized. 
As the sequence continues we realize that she is trying to use logic and strength to escape, therefore subverting the stereotype that women do not handle difficult situations with a calm mindset.

Soundtrack sets the tone at the beginning of the scene.
No image originally, making the soundtrack more effective.
Diegetic sound of dirt hitting the coffin breaks ambiance and shocks the audience.
Recorded our own atmospheric sounds to make them sound more realistic.

The black title screen allows audience to focus on the titles and names of the actors and directors ect. Film would be produced by a low budget institution.
Hugo Claude- Small budget director, yet high quality of film.

Changed the pace of the film, quicker editing to excite the audience.
Shaky use of camera, make the audience feel like they are there.
The slow shot zooming out of the coffin builds suspense, let's the reality settle in.

We don't see the killer's face.
She is beaten up and bruised.
We never hear his voice.