Wednesday 17 September 2014

How is Tension Created in Through the Eye
Throughout the media thriller introduction- 'Through the Eye', the director uses different techniques used to not only gain and hold the audience's attention but to also evoke tension into the minds and sub conscious of the audience.This piece included a panoramic view of an entire CCTV room, the audience follows with the slow camera, revealing the build up of an assault or murder. The slow movement of the room creates tension in the audience; making them impatient to know what happens next that the guard does not see.

However, while the use of camera techniques can build tension rapidly, the use of  high pitch yet subtle music in the piece also greatly assists the way the audience feel about the situation that the clip is exposing us too, the slow build of the powerful music naturally raises the emotions in the audience. However the audience also have a suspicion something bad will happen, due to the re-occurrence of the man in the red jacket. This re-occurrence is only noticed by the audience, as the guard is not paying attention, this not only makes the audience tense, but also frustrated with the guard, as he has turned his back not only on his duty but on the safety of the public. The director has deliberately positioned the guard to make him appear lazy, therefore making the audience tense as they want him to turn around and notice the crime being committed.
The two criminals are both purposely wearing red as the connotations associated with the colour red, suggests danger and alarm. Red is also a bright colour, therefore attracting the audience's attention. This makes it easier for the audience to follow the two characters in the selection of CCTV cameras. Whereas everyone else are dressed in bland colours, making the two men stand out.

In conclusion, this thriller introduction has successfully used certain techniques to create a level of tension within the audience's conscious, that creates anticipation to know what happens next. By combining the use of colour, music and the positions of the characters, the director has fully achieved the necessary objective to create a tension building introduction.  

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