Friday 20 February 2015

Evaluation Question 1

<Our Thriller              127 Hours>

Our media product used inspiration from the title sequence of 127 Hours as we felt that the central, white title against a black background was striking and caught the attention of our audience. However, we challenged the title sequence from 127 Hours as we used a smaller, sharper font, which we felt looked more dangerous, and gave the impression of a blade, which resembled the serial killer in our film.

<Our Thriller           Kill Bill V2>

Our media product both challenged and used elements from an existing media product: Kill Bill Vol. 2. As our protagonist wakes from her sleep, we see that she is groggy from her confused and dazed facial expression. While in Kill Bill 2 the protagonist is also dazed, as we see from the facial expressions, yet instead of panicking, like our protagonist, we see the protagonist use logic to escape from the coffin, from the concentrated expressions on her face.

<Our Thriller         Kill Bill V2>

We took inspiration from Kill Bill V2 for our character positioning. We felt that having two hands up against the roof of the coffin agreed with an existing media product, and that it showed the audience desperation, and a pleading nature to escape the coffin.While her lying on her back makes the protagonist look helpless and submissive. Both our product and Kill Bill 2 used a light source within the coffin, however we challenged Kill Bill, as we had our light as an industrial use portable light, we felt that this would make the audience wonder why the serial killer would want the victim to see where they were.

<Our Thriller      Lovely Bones>

Our media product also used inspiration from The Lovely Bones in regards to the choice of character. We both used a young teenage girl, as we feel like we can attract a target audience who will empathize with the younger generation, be it an older viewer or a younger viewer of around the same age. Both characters die in the films they are protagonists in, however we challenge The Lovely Bones as we do not follow the story of our opening sequence protagonist.

<Our Thriller              127 Hours>

Our thriller challenges the conventions of normal thrillers such as 127 Hours, as we do not include props within our thriller as we felt that props derived from the complete isolation and helplessness that our character was subjected to. While the protagonist in 127 Hours has been given several props that eventually help him to escape, while our character does not manage to get out of the coffin.

<Our Thriller                     Se7en>

Our thriller challenges the various conventions of a film about a serial killer, by keeping the murderer secret from the audience, we feel that this will inspire them to become enthralled within the chase to find out who the killer is, and then lead to a more satisfying ending when it is revealed. Films such as Se7en however, do not follow this contradiction of convention, and show us the killer and his processes early on in the film.

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