Monday 8 June 2015

Textual Analysis- Madonna 'Like A Prayer'

Textual Analysis- Madonna ‘Like a Prayer’
Within Madonna’s music video of ‘Like a Prayer’ we are immediately presented with various information concerning mise-en-scene, sound, lighting and editing. As the music video begins we are able to hear diegetic sirens in the distance, this instantly presents danger and worry within the audience, while the girl dressed in a revealing black dress running from the sirens make us question her motives, and the situation in the music video. We are then presented with a straight cut to a burning cross. An infamous symbol and indication of the Ku Klux Klan, elements of religion and prejudice are presented within the early moments of the video. Following this we see a group of white men beating a black man, while this could suggest that the black man is being represented negatively, the use of darker costumes and sinister facial expressions suggest that the white men are behaving incorrectly. This reinforces the connotations of discrimination regarding race. 

After this, we are shown a typical parish church, instantaneously contradicting the violent actions that we witnessed before. As we see Madonna enter the church we notice that her clothing is more revealing than before, which connotes sexuality, an unusual occurrence in a place of religion. However, we are then presented with an extremely controversial image, we are shown a statue of Jesus, however this statue portrays Jesus as a black man. Which, especially regarding the racial complications of religion, can be seen as highly disputable. Furthermore, we are then presented with Madonna lying provocatively, and combined with the sexually orientated clothing that she is dressed in, and the fact that she is lying on a pew, further cements the controversy which runs throughout the video.

We are then provided again with controversial image within the church. As Madonna holds a knife to her hands, we see that she cuts them on the blade, however when we see her hands, the cuts are in the form of crucifixion wounds, suggesting that Madonna, had to experience what Jesus experienced. Which could again be considered controversial among devout Christians, as she is a woman.

After the scenes within the church, we are taken through a flashback, which we can see by the change in exposure. Within this flashback we can see that Madonna was in fact raped by the group of men that we saw at the beginning beating the black man. After the rape, we are shown the black man coming down the stairs to help Madonna and check that she is okay. However, only to become ensnared in the headlights of a police car. Which could suggest both racism in authority, while presenting a bigger issue of racist presumptions, and the negative situations that can occur due to this.

Arguably, the most controversial image presented in the entire video, is the intercourse which occurs between Madonna and Jesus. While immediately this could blatantly cause offence to any follower of the religion, the fact that she is having sex in a church, which not only suggests disrespect, but arguably Madonna could be seen as a temptation, having seduced Jesus purposefully.

In conclusion, Madonna’s ‘Like a Prayer’ can be considered an extremely controversial music video, which not only arguably disrespects religion, but also, presents issues regarding rape, racism and injustice. 

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