Tuesday 24 November 2015

Shoot Day!

Tuesday 24th- SHOOT DAY!

The minute I woke up and realized that it was my shoot day I immediately packed various items of my clothing into a bag, to remember for the set, and for the band themselves, in case they had forgotten to bring appropriate clothes in for the shoot. After getting to school we began to put the finishing touches on the set, we finished off painting and scattered some clothes around. As the shoot's art director I began to dress the cast and remind them of the style we wanted them to play/sing in.
This was the set up of the band for our video, a drummer furthest back, both the lead and bass guitarist on either side of the set and the singer in the center. 
We kept this set-up throughout the music video, however we wanted the band members to be energetic, instead of static to portray the bands fun attitude.
As we were shooting, we encountered a few immediate problems, firstly, Josh, our drummer found it difficult to stay in time with the song. Although this could be expected as it was a difficult song to drum to, I had to help him stay in rhythm as I also drum, so I clapped to the beat of the song so he could use that as a guideline, and after this, he found it much easier. Secondly, Sam, our singer, had problems defining some of the lyrics, and remembering some parts of the song. However, we helped him out with the lyrics and gave him helpful instructions on what actions he should perform.
We managed to finish our studio shoot fairly quickly, half an hour early.
After packing our kit into the minibus we headed to Guildford. Fortunately when we got there the cast seemed to want a drink so we took them to the restaurant that we had reserved a table in and we bought them some Cokes. After the short relax, we headed into the record store and introduced ourselves to Ben. We started filming using Nikita's Black Magic camera with his shoulder mount, the quality of his camera was far better than the cameras used at school, so we were more than happy to learn from him how to use it. After getting to grips with his camera, we began filming the record store scenes, and this went far smoother than in the studio, all of the cast understood their roles and the filming passed very quickly, which was very helpful, considering the amount of footage we had to film.
Overall, I feel that the shoot went well, while occasionally our cast lost their concentration and our filming in the record store took much longer than we expected. However, our studio shoot finished almost half an hour earlier than we expected it to, which can only be seen as a positive.

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