Wednesday 3 December 2014

Why Is Genre Used? What is a Thriller Genre?

Why is Genre used?
Genre is mainly used to determine the experience the audience will have while watching the film, and from this, appeal to a specific audience. For example, when going to see a horror movie the majority of the audience of such a film would be interested in horror films and looking to be scared, however, when seeing a romance, the audience would have been attracted by the conventions of a romance film.

What is a Convention? Why/How are they used?
Conventions are certain stereotypes that are associated with a genre, for example, roses are a common convention of romance films, due to the romantic nature. Conventions are commonly used to appeal to an audience within a film and to inform them what type of film they should expect, from the one being advertised, this give the audience grounds to base which film the audience would like to watch.

What is a Thriller Genre? And What Conventions are Thrillers Associated With?
Thriller is a specific genre that contains its own specific conventions that certain films match. For example, films such as 'Heat' fit perfectly into the Thriller genre. Commonly found in thrillers are; exciting plotlines, in which the protagonist is chasing or being chased, a shocking twist or discovery and usually contain tense situations. Thrillers are a widely enjoyed, as there are so many variations, the sub-genres of thriller spread out across a multitude of different styles.

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