Tuesday 23 December 2014

Set Design

As our Thriller Sequence revolves around the use of a coffin to build the suspense we needed a convincing yet convenient way of trapping our protagonist while making it seem as if she were in a coffin. As we couldn't buy a real coffin, we devised a way to have a coffin with interchangeable walls, to accommodate different shots.
Firstly our group researched coffins on the internet to  see which style we found suited our thriller the most. We considered that as our villain would be burying people regularly he would not be able to afford intricate coffins such as this:
We also had to consider the circumstances that our protagonist, and our killer would be in. We considered why our protagonist would be captured in such a way, would it be planned? Was a large organization behind the kidnapping? Or was it one killer working alone?
We decided that more tension could be added if the killer was a psychopath, working alone to satiate his desire to kill others. 
With this in mind, we could not make the coffin an extravagant masterpiece, we wanted it to be shoddy and look like it could be easily assembled by an amateur.
These were our final results: 

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