Thursday 11 December 2014

Test Shoot

We found our test shoot useful in determining which ides could work and which ideas we should discard. As we were unable to film within a graveyard for obvious reasons, so we filmed on the football pitch on campus, recruiting various pupils to be involved as makeshift actors.
We wanted our actors to all act as if they were attending a funeral, while in the background, a hooded figure stood and texted the words 'You're next' to one of the crowd. Although we required preferably older actors, we could  only use 16-17 year olds in home clothes, but the footage was useful in determining which shots worked and which didn't. For example, after watching the test footage, we decided that a close up of a phone, to show the text was not effective enough. So instead, I suggested we use an idea from the TV show 'Hollyoaks'. (INSERT PICTURE)
I thought that this idea could show the contents of the message, while still allowing the audience to see the reaction of the receiver.
We found that we could use the space more effectively by panning across the entire crowd, showing their faces and reactions to the funeral. We thought that we could also have a gap between two characters in the crowd, where we could see the silhouetted figure in the background. We felt that this would add tension to our piece as the audience would be intrigued as to who the hooded figure is.
Overall, we found this process useful as it gave us significant footage for us to be able to determine which shots were effective, and which shots could be changed.
After pitching our idea to Matt, Luke and Paul, our feedback helped us to decide that we could create a more atmospheric experience for the audience if we set our idea in a coffin, as we would need less space, and could complete the filming within the studio.

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