Thursday 18 December 2014

Intended Target Audience

While creating our media product, we discussed our target audience and who they might be, to help us formulate the look and persona of our thriller and hopefully generate some ideas which we could use.
We decided that due to the violent nature of our product our target audience could not be below 15 years old, while the fairly modern concept may dissuade a more mature audience of the ages 50 and above. Therefore we feel that perhaps our target audience would be between 16-19 year old males. The film would most likely be awarded a 15 certificate for the language and violent focus of the plot. We feel that the majority of our audience would be males and while some females may be interested in the film, we expect that many viewers would be males.
Our target audience would probably be interested in other media products similar to ours, which correspond with the horror or thriller genres. We expect them to have enjoyed films such as '127 Hours', 'The Descent', 'The Call' and 'The Lovely Bones'. While being interested in other thriller style media products, such as the video game 'Heavy Rain' and the TV Show 'Dexter'.

We would use the dark elements from products such as Heavy Rain, and draw inspiration from the claustrophobic elements of 127 Hours to draw the audience in, while relying on the intense plot to keep them watching.

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